Thursday, 5 May 2011
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Dairy Entry: Week 7
On week 7 I made the final cut of my music magazine. I used the feedback from my peers and my own judgement to make my rough cut magazine look more like a real music magazine.
On the front cover of my rough cut I was told that the main image, the background, the clear title and the fact that the image went over the title were all good aspects so I kept them and they then appeared in my final cut unchanged. However, here is a list of what my peers didn’t like about my front cover and the ways I changed my magazine to improve on this.
- To many colours – I simplified the colour scheme.
- Not enough text – I added some more text.
- No price – I added a price.
- No date – I added a date, and also an issue number.
On the contents page of my rough cut I was told that the images worked well with the background, the layout was good, I had a good font and page numbers and a good use of a quote. These were all seen as good aspects of my contents page so I kept them and they then appeared in my final cut unchanged. However, here is a list of what my peers didn’t like about my contents page and the ways I changed my magazine to improve on this.
- Too empty, more photos needed – I added another photo.
- Pictures don’t match description, brown haired girl as Hayley Williams? – I edited the picture of Sarah to make her have ginger hair, something that I also did with the picture of her on the front cover for the same purpose.
- Too much free space – I filled in some of the free space, although I did keep it quite simplistic.
On the double-page spread of my rough cut I was told that the writing stands out well, it had a good layout, good image, good use of magazine posters in background and a well positioned title. Therefore, as these were seen as good aspects I kept them and they then appeared in my final cut relatively unchanged. However, here is a list of what my peers didn’t like about my double-page spread and the ways I changed my magazine to improve on this.
- Questions are too big – I made the questions a lot smaller.
- No page number – I added a page number which fit in with the style of page numbers on the contents page.
- Too much free space – I added more questions and answers which took up much of the free space.
Finally, after weeks of preparation and work, peer analysis and countless hours of photo shoots and photoshopping, I have finished the final cut of my music magazine.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Diary Entry: Week 5/6
On week 5 and 6 I made the rough cuts of my music magazine and got some feedback on them. Making the rough cuts themselves took me nearly two weeks themselves and the feedback only took me a day or so to collect. I used the lists from my initial sketches to design my magazine which turned out to be more difficult than first anticipated. However, I kept the attributes from the list that I thought worked well on the music magazine and didn’t use the attributes that didn’t work particularly well. I also used a lot of trial and error with the photo-shopping of photographs and also when deciding on font types and sizes. I used many of elements of photoshop to design my magazine including the magnetic lasso tool and the spot healing tool. I learned a lot about photoshop from making my music magazine and can now you it affectively and efficiently. When I had completed the rough design of my music magazine I got my peers to assess it and then I collected the feedback. This feedback showed me that I still have a lot of aspects to change when designing the final cut of my music magazine.
Once I had completed the rough cuts of my magazine I was given feedback from the rest of the class. I got some interesting and very helpful advice.
Here is a list of what my peers liked about my front cover.
- Photo works well with style.
- The background.
- The clear title.
- The main image.
- The fact that the image went over the title.
Here is a list of what my peers didn’t like about my front cover.
- Too many colours.
- Not enough text.
- Too many colours in colour scheme.
- No price.
- No date.
Here is a list of what my peers liked about my contents page.
- Images work well with the background.
- Good layout.
- Good use of different camera angles.
- Attractive font and page numbers.
- Good use of a quote.
Here is a list of what my peers didn’t like about my contents page.
- Too empty, more photos needed.
- Pictures don’t match description, brown haired girl as Hayley Williams?
- To much free space.
Here is a list of what my peers liked about my double-page spread.
- Writing stands out well.
- Good layout.
- Good image.
- Good use of subheadings.
- Good use of magazine posters in background.
- Well positioned title.
Here is a list of what my peers didn’t like about my double-page spread.
- Questions are too big.
- No page number.
- Too much free space.
I will take all of this feedback into account when creating the final draft of my music magazine. I will make the improvements needed judging by this feedback and keep the good strong attributes that my magazine already possesses.
Dairy Entry: Week 4
On week 4 I planned and took the majority of the photos for my music magazine. I got the ideas I already had for my photos and decided where to take the photos, what angle to shoot them from and the models I would be using for them. This was difficult because I had to find a time when the models I needed were free, and the media cameras were available. As you can see from my photo planning sheet I took my pictures in a variety of places for example the back track and Holly’s house. I also thought about every element of the photo as the planning sheet shows.
Friday, 1 April 2011
Dairy Entry: Week 3
On week 3 I was meant to be completing my initial sketches. However, being as I was quite ill for a large proportion of that week I decided to make lists of what I wanted on my front cover, contents page and double-page spread to make sure I had a rough idea of what I wanted my magazine to look like. This proved quite difficult as I had to think very hard about every aspect of the magazine. I also had to take into consideration the fact that my style model was Kerrang/NME so my design had to have some influence from these magazines. Now that I have decided on the aspects of my music magazine I will use these lists as a jumping off point for creating my rough draft.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Initial Sketches: Double-Page Spread
Being as I was ill for a large proportion of this week, my initial sketches did not get completed, however, I was able to come up with a list of what I wanted on my double-page spread. This list told me what my double-page spread should look like and the design it would have. Here is that list:
- Big main image in the middle of Holly as Jessie J with swallow tattoos showing.
- Two columns of texts either side of the main image.
- Huge caption in the top left with a slightly transparent black rectangle behind it to make the caption more readable.
- Blue big text for the questions being asked.
- White smaller text for the answers being given.
- Pose of Holly looking away from the camera with a cigarette in her right hand.
- Page number in white writing with black background box as on the contents page.
- Background colour of columns will be light purple.
Initial Sketches: Contents Page
Being as I was ill for a large proportion of this week, my initial sketches did not get completed, however, I was able to come up with a list of what I wanted on my contents page. This list told me what my contents page should look like and the design it would have. Here is that list:
- Grey, simple background.
- Numbers and works ‘this week’ in white writing and black background to match the title of the magazine.
- Yellow writing for articles.
- Picture of Holly as Jessie J as main image, picture of Sarah and Becky as Hayley Williams and Lily Allen as slightly smaller image. Finally, picture of Matt and Euan in the bottom left as the band ‘Architects’.
- Word ‘Contents’ in big red letters.
- Quote under the word ‘Contents’ in black small writing with the name of the person who said the quote underneath in bold.
- Very simplistic overall contents page.
Initial Sketches: Front Cover
Being as I was ill for a large proportion of this week, my initial sketches did not get completed, however, I was able to come up with a list of what I wanted on my front cover. This list told me what my front cover should look like and the design it would have. Here is that list:
- Strap line banner across top and bottom.
- White writing for title with black background.
- Image of Holly on the front cover with her swallow tattoos showing.
- Other pictures of bands and band members quite low on the page.
- Big black and white title across main images saying ‘Jessie J’
- Bar code in bottom right hand corner.
- White and gold stars used in bottom and top strap lines.
- Rectangles of colour behind smaller images, at times are slightly transparent.
- Simply background with faded parts to it.
Dairy Entry: Week 2
On week 2 I completed my questionnaire, collected the results of my questionnaire and analysed these results. When creating my questionnaire I thought very hard about what questions I needed to know the answers for so I could make a magazine that fit the criteria of what my target audience wanted in a music magazine. I then asked a selection of people who I classed as part of my ‘target audience’ to answer this questionnaire. This was mainly a collection of teenagers who were into rock, indie and metal music. This is because that is the type of magazine I will be making and these are the type of people it would be aimed at. I then analysed the results of this questionnaire using pie charts to help me with the closed questions. I then analysed the open questions in a different style and where possible, I took the general consensus of my target audience. This analysis will help me when I make my music magazine because it will help me meet the demands of my target audience and also tells me what people expect in this type of magazine.
Questionnaire Analysis 10
When I carried out my research this question gave me some very predictable results. The question was ‘What is your favourite genre of music?’ Nine people out of twenty told me that their favourite genre of music was rock, five people said indie, and three people said metal. The rest of the results collected were random genres and I consider them to be outliers. Therefore, my magazine will have a rock theme, will indie and metal influences to it. This will increase the amount of readers that the magazine attracts.
Questionnaire Analysis 9
This research graph shows that giving away ‘freebies’ with my magazine would only make about half my target audience want to buy a music magazine. This shows me that I should give away free CD’s and posters with my magazine because it could double the amount of magazines actually bought. Also, by looking at the majority of music magazine on sale at the moment, most of them do this so it is obviously an affective tool for selling music magazines. Therefore I will be doing this.
Questionnaire Analysis 8
This research graph shows that the majority of my target audience expect a music magazine to be released monthly. However, as I have already found out through my research my target audience would only buy a music magazine once every 2 months so although they expect a music magazine to be released monthly, most of them would only buy it roughly once every two months so I will release mine once every two months. This means that the amount of people buying every issue will increase as appose to if it was released monthly, and when the magazine is released it becomes more important to the magazines followers because it is only released 6 times a year. This would also give the magazine a fresher feel and would make it more of an event when it was actually released.
Questionnaire Analysis 7
This research graph shows that the majority of my target audience would be willing to pay between £1.01 and £3 for a music magazine. Therefore this is the price range that my magazine will fall into depending on how much I feel I could actually charge if the magazine was on sale to the general public. If I charged anymore or any less then I would be eliminating an enormous percentage of my target audience who wouldn’t buy the magazine if the price was more or less than already stated.
Questionnaire Analysis 6
This research graph shows that my target audience would prefer and image dominated double-page spread as appose to a blocky styled or text dominated one. Therefore my double-page spread will be image dominated with a small proportion of it dominated by text because after all it is an article and a quarter of my target audience do want a text dominated double-page spread to begin with.
Questionnaire Analysis 5
This research graph shows that more of my target audience want an article promoting contents page as appose to an image dominated one. Therefore I will make my contents page have a mostly article promoting style with images used to promote some of the articles. This will also maximise profitable and buyers because my target audience is being given what they want in a contents page.
Questionnaire Analysis 4
This research graph shows that more of my target audience want a close up of the singer on the front cover as appose to a medium shot of the band. Therefore I am going to follow this research and put a close up of the lead singer on my front cover. This is simply following the demand of my target audience to maximise profitability and increase sales revenue.
Questionnaire Analysis 3
When I carried out my research the results for this question were possibly the hardest to analyse. The question was ‘What would put you off buying a music magazine?’ Many people I asked were unable to answer this question but the answers I did get were particularly interesting. One person I asked said that too many colours and over excessive fonts would put them off buying a music magazine. Therefore I will definitely take this into account when creating my magazine. Another answer I got was unattractive main image. Therefore as before I will definitely take this into account when taking my pictures and editing the cover of my music magazine.
Questionnaire Analysis 2
When I carried out my research this question gave me some very interesting results. The question i asked was 'What is your favourite music magazine?' Nine people out of twenty told me that their favourite music magazine was Kerrang. Five People told me that their favourite was NME and three people said their favourite was Q. This tells me that my target audience wants a mostly Kerrang based magazine with a slight NME and Q vibe to it. Therefore, this will be what I base my magazine on and what the finished product will look like. The rest of the people I asked said other less well known magazines so I won’t take these outliers into account when creating my magazine.
Questionnaire Analysis 1
This research graph shows that the majority of my target audience buys music magazines 0-10 times per year. This tells me that to make my magazine particularly successful I would have to release it between 0 and 10 times a year. Now that I know this I have decided that I would release my magazine once every two months. This would keep most of the readers happy and would maximise the amount of readers who buy every issue of the magazine. This may not maximise profitability but it would keep a steady and stable following.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
- How often do you buy music magazines (per year)?
0-4 times
5-10 times
- What is your favourite music magazine?
- What would put you off buying a music magazine?
- Do you prefer a close up of the singer or a band shot on the front cover?
Band shot
- Do you prefer an image dominated contents page or one that concentrates on promoting the articles?
Image dominated
Article promoting
- What layout would you prefer your double page spread to be like?
Image dominated
Text dominated
- How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? (£)
- How often would u expect a music magazine to be released?
- Would free posters/CD’s make you want to buy a music magazine?
10. What is your favourite genre of music?
…………………………………………………………….Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Dairy Entry: Week 1
On week 1 I completed my analysis of 5 front covers, contents pages and double-page spreads. I looked at two NME magazines and three Kerrang magazines eventually deciding on basing my magazine on the style of Kerrang with a slight NME influence. I made this decision whilst carrying out my analysis. I found this analysis hard but interesting and learnt a lot about the codes and conventions that I need to follow to make my magazine look professional and to make it suit the genre that I am aiming for. This week I also completed my initial ideas which showed me that there was more to think about than I had first thought. It showed me that every detail needs to be carefully considered to make the magazine look like an actual magazine. I also realised that the colour scheme had to be thought about and that once all my ideas were on paper, it was easier to decide on what direction to go in regarding even the minor details.
Double-Page Spread Analysis
Double-Page Spread Analysis
Double-Page Spread Analysis
Double-Page Spread Analysis
Double-Page Spread Analysis
The main image shows the band members almost coming out of the trees or possibly through them. This may show that the band has just immerged ‘through the trees.’ They have came out of the wilderness and are here to stay. This deep symbolism represents the persona that the band is trying to be associated with. In my magazine I will definitely use the heavily image dominated and not at all blocky style in my double-page spread. I will also concentrate intently on the position and pose of the band members.
Contents Page Analysis
Contents Page Analysis
This contents page follows the usual codes and conventions of a NME contents page. It is predominantly white with pictures relating to articles and information about these articles dotted around. There is one central image to catch the reader’s attention. This may be attached to an article that the editor thought would be particularly popular. Most of the images in the contents page are colourful images with the focus in the person in the centre of it. The numbers are big black numbers with a white background so they are easy to read and are easily spotted. The title ‘Inside this week’ is also in big black letters with a white background. This is simplistic but it does make the purpose of the page clear. If I was to do an NME styled magazine I would have to follow many conventions and traits of this contents page as it is in the same style as an average NME contents page.
Contents Page Analysis
Contents Page Analysis
This Kerrang contents page has the basic outline of the majority of Kerrang contents pages. The title ‘Contents’ is in the top right hand corner in yellow writing with a black background. The issue number and date is also stated here in a smaller less eye-catching font. There is one main image of an article that the editor would expect many of the readers to want to read. Therefore this image representing this article is given a large proportion of the page. The section labelled as ‘This week’ is down the right hand side and is well proportioned in relation to the featured article on this page. Each section of this is labelled clearly with again yellow writing on a black background. The pages and names of the articles are then under these subcategories. The note from the editor is in the top left of the page when previously it has sometimes appeared in the bottom left. I will do this in my contents page. The images of the articles are edited in the style of the ‘rule of thirds’ across the page. They are also laid out in an orderly style with every image except from the main featured one, the same size. I will possibly use this type of layout in my magazine.
Contents Page Analysis
Monday, 7 March 2011
Front Cover Analysis
Lighting is used in this cover to over highlight the obscurity and intensiveness of the central image. This band member has no shirt on and his costume mainly consists of jeans, a heart and a bullet wound to the head. This gives a totally insane look along with his facial expression. The purpose of this is to make him look madly insane and possibly to show that they are more ‘hardcore’ than the majority of other bands. This is why his eyes have been edited to look more devilish and menacing. Also, the captions add to this persona. The words ‘Fucked up, the beating heart of the underground’ shows the madness of the band and it also adds to the obscurity. As well as all this, the caption ‘Our shows are orgies of destruction’ shows how the band would like to be represented, and the caption is broken up in almost a destructive way.
The fact that the band this person is from is not shown is interesting. It means that the editor has such faith in the image that he believes he doesn’t need to put the band name or anything else that appears in the magazine. This is because the editor knows that people who recognise this man will want to read about him and possibly the band, but people who don’t recognise him will want to know more and what band his is from because of the obscurity and madness of the image.
The setting of this image shows this madness even more magnified. Aside from the fact that he has a bullet wound to the head and a heart in his hand, all this has taken place in a regular supermarket a traditionally safe and normal place.
Front Cover Analysis
Lighting and costume is used extremely effectively in this magazine cover. Firstly he is wearing no clothing. This shows him as a simplistic innocent character. This could possibly show in this interview he has been stripped of his shell and defensive barriers, and the real him may be shining through. This effect would definitely appeal to the readers who want to know more about the ‘real’ Pete Doherty. This is further enhanced with the fact that the imperfections on his face have not been removed. This definitely adds to the effect of him being the real Pete Doherty in this interview. This is also the case with the caption beside him that says ‘In the raw.’
The rest of the cover is positioned around the central image. Other information about the magazine is positioned around him so that his bare chest can be seen. The title is also almost sidelined by the image showing the importance of him in respect to the actual magazine. This may show that the editors think they can sell more magazines with the image of Pete Doherty as appose to their actual logo.
The ‘new music’ section of the cover may be to attract readers who are sick of hearing about the same old people, for example Pete Doherty.
The colour scheme of the cover is mainly pinks and purples contrasted with whites and blacks. This works quite effectively especially as Pete Doherty’s skin colour is a very bright colour that contrasts to the purple background and pink writing.
Front Cover Analysis
The lighting on this cover is very interesting. The members of the band are very well lit, apart from curtain specific areas of their faces. However, the lead singers face has more shadowing than the faces of the other two members. This, along with his tattoos and hood show him as the more dangerous or possibly mysterious member of the band. His white hood highlights the dark areas of his face magnifying this effect. The purpose of this is to obviously highlight the lead singer of the band, this is also done with him being positioned closer to the camera and being over the title of the magazine, whereas the other members of the band and positioned behind it. This shows the difference in importance of the different band members.
The strap line banner simply says ‘massive download ticket give away.’ This would encourage people to buy the magazine if they think there is a chance of winning a download festival ticket or tickets.
The bottom strap line and free poster special giveaways are well proportioned and also well positioned. They are eye-catching enough to draw the attention of the reader, but they do not take over the whole of the cover.
Also, the Paramore part of the cover is positioned in a way that will also catch the reader’s attention, and the caption ‘Hayley starts a riot,’ is a play on words from the bands style as they are heavily associated with the word ‘riot.’
Front Cover Analysis
Dark theme shows the gothic style of the band. Very clear title of the bands name, this catches the readers attention and also tells people who are not familiar with the band, who they are.
Title of the magazine as always put to the back almost in arrogance of not having to make it perfectly clear.
The singer of the band is obviously bigger and stands out more as he will be the most well known and almost a symbol of the band. Therefore, he is closer to the camera than the rest of the band. He is also slightly tilted with a mad smile to make him look more unstable and fanatical. The tour they are promoting is also pressed beside the bands title and slightly overlaps it. This immediately tells the reader where they can see the band and also shows what tour the band is promoting.
The poster offer is well proportioned as it is big enough to be eye catching, but does not take over the cover completely.
Facial expression of Jimmy Urine (far left) along with the caption ‘be afraid Britain, be very afraid!’ gives the band a mad like quality, something they obviously encourage judging by the bands usual persona displayed here.
Good layout, pose of the band members shows the mood as slightly insane and possibly dangerous which corresponds with the quote ‘be afraid Britain , be very afraid.’
Strap line banner shows mostly dark bands that are mostly similar to mindless self indulgence, again showing the genre Kerrang is usually associated with.
Front Cover Analysis
Lighting and costume are used to make the band look like smart ‘scene kids’. Not dissimilar to the 60’s movement known as the ‘MOD’s.’ The Kerrang title backgrounded like usual, shows again the arrogance of the magazine that they don’t need to be clear about their title as they are so well known. Dark colours are used mixed with whites and reds, white because it is the most eye-catching as it is completely opposite to black, and red represents blood, something a ‘screamo’ band is often associated with. The camera angles and positioning of the band members is interesting. The lead singer is at the front and is the most noticeable and eye-catching as he is the most famous member of the band. The rest of the band members are positioned almost in order of importance and the least known members are further away from the camera.
The way Oli Sykes is positioned shows how hardcore he is showing off his tattoos. This is also used as part of the bands persona as he looks almost like a superhero with his tattoos being just visible under his shirt.
The title of the band is in big bold letters to catch the reader’s attention. The other bands on the cover are similar to bring me the horizon as are the bands featured on the strap line banner. This shows the type of music generally covered by Kerrang magazine.
Initial Ideas
As this wouldn’t photocopy particularly clearly, I have labelled the less clear parts of the spider diagram.
Monday, 28 February 2011
School Magazine Evaluation
The style of my school magazine was similar to the style of one magazine I studied. ‘Top Terrace’ magazine had the same front cover set up and overall look as my magazine cover. However, the rest of the magazines I studied had one base image spread across the whole page, something I did not do. I took inspiration from the ‘Bishopbriggs Academy ’ magazine when making the title for my front cover and contents page. I made it clear and easy to read against a totally opposite background just like the formally mentioned magazine. I also took inspiration from this magazine when deciding on the single and simple background colour scheme.
Making this school magazine front cover and contents I learned a lot about Photoshop and how to use it efficiently and effectively. I learned how to use the layer system effectively and many of the tools I otherwise wouldn’t of been able to use, I now can use with ease. I was able to cross-design and crop and edit images and texts to make a decent and professional looking magazine front cover and contents. I also learnt a lot about how to take medium close up shots. The shot needs to be taken just above the nipple to truly capture a medium close up shot of someone.
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